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Young Mafia

ThE PiC 0f ChE GuEvArA

Who's ChE GuEvArA??

Ernesto Guevara
borm in argentina and trained as a physician ,che guevara became a military commander for fidel castro from 1956 to 1959 ,during revolution.
guevara opposed united states intervention in latin american affaris and believed that only violent revolution could remedy the poverty of the masses guevara wrote two book books about guerrilla warfare and led querrilla forces in south american countries .he was captured and killed by bolivian troops while leading a querrilla band trying to everthrow the bolivian government.

Maintenant la communisme lute contre cette guerre


what we have on this site:

About Page:
- Biographie 0f Che Guevara
- The Cuban Revolution
- The Russian Revolution
- The Bolsheviks

Photo Page:
- Picture For Che Guevara

Photo Page 2:
- Trotsky
- Linin
- The Finals Days Of Che
- Fidel Castro


A Little About Me

hey all i'm mido (mouhamad ayouby )16 years bacc1 sciences in koliyeh school i like all the communisme...anyinformation about me or about any great communisme in the world mail to my mail :mafiayoung@hotmail.com or check my site ....................................................


Last Update : 11/6/2003